User Manual

Access Log Report

The report generates the user access log analysis.

To view the report, click reports tab in the menu bar and select Report>Access/Change Log Report>Access Log Report.

This will lead to the following screen-

access report 1(1)

Click Expand collapse arrows to expand or collapse the sections on screens.

                    Screen Elements


Start Date

Click to display the calender on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calender or hit the Esc key to close.

End Date

Click to display the calender on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calender or hit the Esc key to close.

Client Name

Select the Client Name from dropdown list.

Select Evaluator Role

Select a user role from the list. By default the role of Supervisor is selected.

Hidden Elements


Select a particular program or all programs from the table usingselect all arrow or select arrow button respectively.

Select Member

Select member(s) from the table usingselect all arrow or select arrow button

After making entries, click on the Generate report button and the system will generate the following report as shown below-

access report 3


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