User Manual

Conditions for Training module

The Training module for QEvalPro includes various conditional points to be implemented in the system. These include-

  • A form should include at least one training question
  • A user should check mark the checkbox of “Training Required?” while creating a form. This is as shown highlighted below- 

  • A form should include at least one of the either training formats
  • If a form doesn’t have a program wise training then it should include parameter wise training for all training questions
  • If some of the questions in a form are allotted as parameter wise training questions and if that particular form is included in the program with program wise training module then rest of the questions of that form will be by default program wise training questions. 
  • Agent and his/her supervisor should have “View” training rights assigned by Admin. 
  • An admin can also assign “Report” viewing rights to supervisor.   

Email Notifications in Training Module-

A training feature in QEvalPro also includes several email notifications within module. These include-

Training notification to agent and supervisor via Email: If a training has been assigned for an agent then the respective agent and his/her supervisor could be notified about the training through a mail notification. The training mail will be only triggered to agent and supervisor only if configured from admin panel. 

  • To configure a training mail from an admin panel go to Manage>Program>Add Program. Scroll down on the console and select Is Training Mail Required checkbox. This is as shown in the below screen-

  • When the above mentioned checkbox is selected, the system will display options to select the user roles as shown in the below screen-

  • Admin has the option to select any one or all the highlighted user roles (agent, supervisor and others) from the options. The selected user(s) will be notified about the training through mail process. Further, when an admin selects the checkbox for “other” apart from agent and supervisor, the system will display the distribution list field, wherein admin can enter the mail addresses of other users separated by commas. This is as shown below-

Consistently Training Failing Notification:  If an agent fails for three consecutive days in the same parameter during an evaluation, an email notification will be triggered to his supervisor. Further, if an agent fails for two more days in the same parameter, an email will be triggered to the rest of the distribution list along with the supervisor.

  • To configure a training mail from an admin panel go to Manage>Program>Add Program. Scroll down on the console and select Is Training Mail Required checkbox. This is as shown in the below screen-

  • On selecting the checkbox, the system will display options to select the user roles as shown in the below screen-

  • While selecting the checkbox for “other” the system will display the distribution list field, where an admin can enter the mail addresses of other users separated by commas.

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