User Manual

Audit Trail

This module allows the user to view the history of the updated evaluations along with the parameters in which the changes have been done. The module also sends email notifications to concerned agent and supervisor if any change has been made to their associated evaluations. However, the emails would only be generated if the access for the same has been given to them from admin panel. Further, the module also generates report. 

Step 1-

To provide Audit trail email access to agent and supervisor, an admin needs to go to Manage>Program and the following screen will be redirected by the system-

As shown highlighted in the above screen, check the checkbox against Is Audit Trail mail required? This would display 3 other checkboxes to admin namely agent, supervisor and other. This is as shown below-

Admin can check the checkboxes as per the requirement. When the checkbox for “Other” is selected, the admin will be able to view a distribution list field, which allows to enter multiple users to whom the mail Audit Trail mail would be sent. This is shown highlighted below-

Click Submit when all the entries of the required fields are made. The console will then generate the below system message-


The functionality of Audit Trail will work within form. To activate this module, an admin needs to provide Audit Trail access while creating a form. 

Step 2-

Go to Manage>Forms and the following screen will be redirected by the system-

Click Create Evaluation Form as shown below-

The admin will be redirected to the following screen-

Select “Start with a blank evaluation form” radio button as highlighted above. The user will be redirected to the following screen-

As shown highlighted in above screen is Audit Trial Required field with Yes and No options. Click Yes to provide access of Audit Trail module within the form. Enter all the details and click Create Evaluation Form button. The console will generate the following system message-

The user will be then redirected to the form console as shown in the below screen- 

While adding a question to the form, user has the option to assign it with Audit Trail module. This option could be found in left hand pane of the console as shown highlighted below-

Note- Only questions assigned with Audit Trail functionality will be displayed in the report. 

When the same form is updated after its first evaluation process, the associated agent and supervisor will receive an email of the form being updated in the following format-


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