User Manual

QA Manager

When a user access QEvalPro as a QA manager. he will be redirected to the home screen as shown below-

The QA manager could scroll down for more data and outputs in the screen

QA manager home screen 2
QA manager home screen 3

The QA Manager homepage includes the following tabs on the screen-

The above mentioned tabs are based on access rights. Admin can assign separate rights to individual user.

The dashboard page displays the evaluation list and its review, total autofails by agent, disputes and programwise score and evaluation for week, counters. categories and centers with and without autofail.

In order to get the dashboard data, the user

  • Needs to make entry in the provided fields of “start” and “end” date.
  • Click on the  search buttonbutton.

The other descriptions on the page for QA manager dashboard includes-

                 Dashboard Elements


Today’s Evaluation

Shows the evaluation for the current day

Total Evaluation

Shows the total evaluation for the date entries


Displays the total evaluation reviewed

Not Reviewed

Shows the number of evaluations which have not been reviewed

Total autofail

The total autofail for the entered date

Disputed Evaluation Summary

Summarizes the total disputes.


Open- Shows the Agent’s number of open disputes.

Closed- Shows the Agent’s number of closed disputes.

Accepted- Shows the accepted disputes.

Decline- Shows the declined disputes of the Agent.

Programwise Weekly Score

Displays programwise weekly scores through line graphs

With autofail

Without autofail

Programwise Weekly Total Evaluation Count

Shows the total evaluation count for the week through line graphs

With autofail

Without autofail

Programwise Centerwise Score

Shows programwise scores for the centers through bar graphs

With autofail

Without autofail

Programwise Category Score

Shows scores for the categories covered in selected Client, Program and Evaluation form

Programwise Bottom 5 Agents on QA score

Summarizes QA score for bottom 5 agents in tabular form

With autofail

Without autofail

Program QA Performance

On clicking to the Program QA Performance tab next to dashboard, the QA Manager will be redirected to the following screen-

The screen displays the weekly reports for Voice programs and Chat programs respectively. The user could also print the generated data.

Overall QA Scores-Program

The QA Manager in “Overall QA Scores-Program” would be able to view the following screen-

After making entries for “Program”, “Evaluation Form” and “End Date” fields, the user needs to click on the Go button button. Further, the data will be displayed in the following format-

QA manager 1
QA manager 3

The generated data displays scores for QA including weekwise, centerwise, categorywise and weekly top 3 defects category.

Disputed Evaluations-

Displays the total number of disputed evaluations along with individual stats of Open and Closed disputed evaluations. This is as shown below-

Active User Dashboard-

With the use of this tab, a QA supervisor will be able to view his/her total personal active hours along with the active hours of his/her team member(s). This is as shown below-

By default the system will display the active hours for current day. However, a QA supervisor has the option to view his/her personal active hours for particular number of days along with his/her team members individually. This could be done by entering the required dates in Start Date and End Date fields.  

Note- The active hours data will be displayed in CST zone.

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