User Manual


Every evaluation form includes a  score card. It is designed and formulated to display scores for individual agents based upon their performance. 

Located at the right hand corner of the screen, the score module is found in the following form as shown-

Create evaluation score card 1

The score card estimates and displays the overall score of the user obtained from various categories of the screen as shown in the figure-

Category Score

The modules of the score card include-

  • Score- This section displays the score obtained by an agent during evaluation.
  • Max Score- It displays the overall score of the categories. For example, if total score of the score equals 10 then the Max Score field would show the value as 10.
  • Total Score(%)- It shows the total percentage obtained by an agent. The value of this field is determined as (Score/Max Score)*100.
  • Failed- If any question of a category is set to Autofail then this field would display the score in zero (0). Further, if the category has been kept free from Autofail then the Failed section displays the status as N/A.

Note-The scores will be calculated only if the categories in Create Evaluation are scorable.

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