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How QEvalPro Augments QA Accuracy in the Evaluation Process?

What if an agent disputes a call reviewed by a verifier? How would a QA manager of a campaign know about a poor review process when there was a fault in the evaluation made by a verifier?

In order to maintain a streamlined evaluation process without error, QEvalPro has devised a functionality known as Auditing The Auditors, which is also abbreviated as ATA.

The Methodology-

The process has been duly designed to cross-check evaluation processes, being closed after review from the auditors. The functionality of ATA allows an authorized user to review the quality of the evaluation made by the verifier. The concept of the process is to determine the errors or accuracies of evaluations. Further, the results are obtained by comparing the evaluations and variances at the end of the process.

Eligibility of a User-

Not every user registered in QEvalPro is authorized to perform the ATA process. A user needs to be at least a QA Supervisor to be eligible for this functionality. Additionally, a QA Supervisor could only execute an operation when provided with ATA rights. The privileges to the user for performing ATA regarding QA evaluations are assigned accordingly.

Steps Involved-

Click here to know about the detailed methods for performing ATA.

The Outcomes-

Once the procedure of ATA is finished, the user will be able to view the audit through the reports of ATA functionality. Additionally, the same user also has the authority to accept the results obtained after the ATA processor to raise a dispute, in case the user is unsatisfied with the audit made against the evaluation.

Generated Reports and Variances-

At the end of the audit, the functionality also generates two types of reports including-

  • Overall Line Item Accuracy Report By QA- Displays the report of the comparison of line item accuracy made by QA verifiers with that of ATA user. This could be viewed with the link
  • Overall Accuracy Report By QA- This displays the report of the overall accuracy of the evaluation made by the user. This report could be viewed from the link

Wrap Up-

However, every QA evaluation is verified multiple times in BPO campaigns to avoid any sort of discrepancy, but implementing the aplomb method of ATA by QEvalPro ensures the least inconsistency.

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