A Product of Global Services

User Manual

Role Level User Count

The report displays the number of users assigned to User roles in QEval.

To view the report, click Reports tab in the menu bar, select Report>Access/Change Log Report>Role Level User Counts.

Reports Homepage

Screen Elements



Start Date

Click to display the calendar on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calendar or hit the Esc key to close.

End Date

Click to display the calendar on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calendar or hit the Esc key to close.

Business Unit

Select the Client Name from dropdown list.

Report by








Login Creation Date: Display the details based on login account creation date.

Last Login Date: Display the details based on last login activity.

Deleted: Display details of all deleted users.

Employee Start Date: Shows the list of employees based on their start dates.

From Beginning: Displays the list of all employees whose accounts have been created from beginning till date.

Partners– Select All or required partner from dropdown list.



Select required location from the list

Select Role

Click select all arrow to select and enter all the roles in the selection box.

To select a role, click select arrow.

Enter the search criteria, and click Generate report.



Click Expand collapse arrows to expand or collapse the sections on screens.

Note On selecting the option as From Beginning in the form, the date selection fields will be disabled       
