A Product of Global Services

Training And Coach Tactical Warehouse

Viewing/completing training process by Agent

Once the viewing rights have been provided by admin the agent will be able to see pending training in his/her account. This is as shown below-

An agent can click on Coaching tab to view the pending coaching table and the system will redirect to the following screen-

By default, the grid displays the total training for agent. This includes open and closed training both. In order to view open and closed training list the agent needs to click Open Training and Closed Training tabs respectively. 

To View an Open Training list-

  • Click on the Open Training tab 
  • Click on any one of the Answer ID to complete the training process. This is as shown below-


  • A question included under training will have no effect on score. 
  • Once an agent finishes a training for a particular question, the training icon will change to 

To View a Closed Training List-

  • Click on Closed Training tab
  • Click on any one of the Answer ID to view the completed training. A closed training view will include agent’s digital signature along with the date on which the training was completed. 

