A Product of Global Services

User Manual

QA Performance Hourly

This report displays hourly performance of Quality Verifier.

To view the report, click Reports tab in the menu bar, select Report>QA Performance Report>QA Performance Hourly.

This will lead to the following screen-

QA Perf Hourly 2(1)

                          Screen Elements


Start Date

Click to display the calender on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calender or hit the Esc key to close.

End Date

Click to display the calender on screen. Choose a date, click on close option on the calender or hit the Esc key to close.

Start Time

Enter the required start time when to view for the report

End Time

Enter the required end time to view the report

Client Name

Select the Client Name from dropdown list.

Program Name

Program Names are displayed as per the client name selected.

Select the Program name from the dropdown list.


Select the  location name.


Enter the initial characters of the agent’s name and select the name from the dropdown list displayed.

Note: If the agent name is not selected, it displays the reports for all the agents.

Supervisor Name

Enter the initial characters of the supervisor’s name and select the name from the dropdown list displayed.




Date Type

Evaluation Date:

Select the radio button to search on basis of Evaluation date.

Call/Chat Date:

Select the radio button to search on basis of call/chat date.

Modified Date:

Select the radio button to search on basis of evaluation form modified date.

Select Member

Select member(s) from the table usingselect all arrow or select arrow button

Enter the search criteria, and click Generate report and the following report will be generated-

QA Perf Hourly 3(1)