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Quality Monitoring Tool: A Must Need for a Call Center Process

A major factor of any call center organization is its flawless techniques and measures. Let’s face it; no process is impeccable unless being observed under quality assurance. Call center organization relies highly upon its QA procedures. Whatever type of BPO, the business only manages to excel through the pivotal role played by quality monitoring.

Call process organizations have come a long way since they originated. Many tools have been developed over the years, but did they fulfill the requirements of an ideal monitoring tool? Perhaps no, as many BPO processes still hunt for the one to streamline their processes.

Keeping up with the essential facets of BPO, if error-free processes is an essential requirement of BPO, then customer experience is the next priority. As the famous quote goes- “It takes longer to build a business and seconds to destroy it,” a CX or CSAT could provide a vital role. Word of mouth, which spreads awareness and information, is critical to CX. Hence, positive or negative feedback for a BPO could make or ruin its business respectively. 

The responsibilities of an ideal quality monitoring application are not only limited to streamline a BPO process or to cater to a satisfying customer experience but a lot more. One of the expectations is to augment its agent’s performance. There are several considerations that a QA tool should carry as a scope of improvement for agents. These include:

  • Agent Evaluations- Undoubtedly, every BPO engages an agent to interact with clients and customers. However, the performance of agents could never be known unless integrating an evaluation system for an agent. An idyllic QA system should include evaluation forms for users to evaluate an agent’s performance on all the parameters for the calls that he/she attends.
  • Agent Level Reports- Reports help to determine the progress of agents not only in terms of call performance but also for various other divisions of daily work profile. Further, an ultimate quality monitoring tool should showcase and categorize the reports from a daily to monthly basis. This helps the supervisors to analyze and track every point of their agent’s performance in more detail.
  • Training Sessions- It’s not about finding errors in an agent’s work. As mentioned earlier, a quality monitoring application is expected to maximize the agent’s performance. One factor that makes this possible is to have a training environment for agents within the application itself. A system that analyzes and highlights specific areas of underperformance by agents and gives supervisors the option to upload required materials to coach and help their agents for better performances.
  • Good Call Samples- Another method to guide and help make agents familiar with better execution is to provide references for good calls. A quality monitoring tool should have a section where an admin can upload good calls made by other agents as samples to be referred to. This will help agents to follow the same pattern for improving their calls with customers.

2020 has challenged everyone with lockdown and pandemic situations. But as they say – “the show must go on”, the world has adjusted to the “new normal.” BPO sectors are trying to adapt to remote agents and work from home scenarios. BPOs can remain committed to enhanced performance and customer satisfaction by implementing the services of an efficient quality monitoring tool with the above-mentioned features. 

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