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5 Ways How QEvalPro Helps Tracking and Improving Remote Agent Performance

The challenge faced by almost every BPO around the globe is increasing the productivity of their agents. As productivity is never an accident, it is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. It is crucial for every BPO aiming for excellence to build up a creative environment for their agents to learn and share new ideas. This environment helps the agents to think more critically and be more focused on work.

As per the analysis shared by the BPO association, the productivity of their agents has dropped by almost 40% in 2020 compared to previous years. It becomes inevitable for a supervisor to track and monitor the agent’s performance, regardless of where the agent is working.

When tracking the performance of agents, supervisors will also be able to realize the difficulties agents face when interacting with certain kinds of customers or situations. Supervisors can monitor these instances and plan a training session for agents to improve in the specific areas needed to become excellence representatives.

QEvalPro is a quality monitoring tool that helps supervisors track their agents, whether working remotely or on floor, and analyze their performance, providing appropriate insights for improvement. The architecture of this tool makes it adaptable to all kinds of requirements while also providing personalized solutions. Here are five ways it helps tracking and improving remote agent performance:

  • Analytical Dashboard: It helps the supervisor to get an overview of the performance of all remote agents in one platform. Dashboards are designed optimally with strategic parameters which help to analyze and make decisions faster. Supervisors can identify the pain areas easily to decide the next plan of action.
  • Training: After identifying the low performing agents, supervisors can schedule training sessions for them. Providing training for the agent’s weak points really helps them to improvise which ultimately leads to better performance.
  • Reports: QEvalPro has various customizable reports to give a quick update to the supervisor about what’s happening and what progress the team has made to reach the team and individual targets. The pictorial representation of data actually-helps to identify and compare the progress more efficiently.
  • Good call library: A good call library in QEvalPro helps by providing good examples to inspire and teach agents ways to improve customer interactions and performance. The manager can load the ideal calls into the good call library to be used by agents for future reference.
  • Good/Bad call: QEvalPro allows the supervisors to mark the agent calls under Good call or Bad call groups, per the evaluation. This grouping of calls into categories gives clear examples for the agents about their performance and helps supervisors to set high-quality standards.

 QEvalPro comes with features to ease the process of tracking remote agents and improving their performance. Good performing agents always help in keeping the customers satisfied which directly leads to more profits. Let’s accept this challenge to increase the productivity of remote agents and make a remarkable impact on the industry.

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