My Universe

How to dispute?

There are two users who can dispute a process.

  • Dispute from agent- To view the dispute process from an agent use the  link Dispute from Agent
  • Dispute from supervisor- To view the dispute process from supervisor use the  link Dispute from Supervisor

What is the purpose of an evaluator?

An evaluator is assigned the task to evaluate the performance of an agent for a call.

What is dispute?

Dispute is a process made by an agent against an evaluator when he is not satisfied with the evaluations done for him regarding a call. Disputes can also be made by a supervisor on behalf of an agent for the particular evaluator.

What is Evaluation Count?

An evaluation count is the data shown under Manager Evaluation for a particular month. It shows the figures under various categories of the evaluations done by a supervisor for the selected month.

What is Manager Evaluation?

A supervisor has the option to view his evaluation statistics done for the agents for a particular month. All the statistics are displayed in a slot of 10 days. However, a supervisor will be able to view evaluation statistics if Manager Evaluation access rights have been allotted to him.

What is My Evaluation?

My Evaluation displays the details of evaluation made by a verifier for an agent against any call. The module differs in an agent and supervisor scenario. An agent can view evaluation made against him and can dispute by viewing a particular evaluation from grid, if needed. On the other hand Supervisor can view the evaluations made for a particular or agents by the verifiers. Further, a supervisor can dispute for an evaluation on behalf of agent if needed.

What is My Universe?

All the evaluations made in the forms can be found under this section. Users with their assigned roles will have separate evaluation status. A user with an agent role would be able to view My Evaluation under My Universe whereas a user with a supervisor role could view various aspects such as My Evaluation, My Disputes, Manager Evaluation and Manage Good/Bad Call.

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