Getting Started

How can I check my team’s performance?

To be more specific, if the performance of a team is associated with QA then it could be checked by looking into Overall Accuracy Report by QA under Report section of the QEval software.

What are the various user types in QEval?

There are seven (7) different types of user roles defined in QEval. These include-

  • Agent
  • Verifier
  • Supervisor
  • QA Supervisor
  • QA Manager
  • Vice President
  • Admin

Is it possible to have negative scoring for any question?

Yes. Through the medium of Bonus Point feature, a question can be entitled for negative scoring.

Whom to contact in case if my account is locked?

In case if QEval account gets locked then user needs to contact the authorized QEval Admin.

How can I check my overall performance?

An agent can check his/her overall performance through Agent Dashboard. To get more information, use the link Click Here

How can I access an audit performed for me?

An agent can view his/her audit report through My Universe>My Evaluation. Enter the required dates in the respective fields and select the required options. Click Submit. A list of evaluations will be displayed on the same screen.

What do the terms Client, Partner, Location and Program in QEval relate to?

The terms Client, Partner, Location and Program have their specific meaning when referred to QEval. The description of each of these terms are as mentioned below-

  • Client- It is known to be the client or customer to a company.
  • Partner- A partner works for a particular client.
  • Location- It denotes the relative location of the particular client.
  • Program- It is associated with the department of a company.

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